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~Chaplain Jessica Knight Az born has been an anti-sex trafficking advocate for 11 years. She founded FIRE Revolution in 2015 after serving as a voluteer leader in the Phoenix Dream Center Sex Trafficking Recovery program. Building FIRE Revolution with 3 main focuses of Community, Outreach and Awareness. Blending her passion of her own traumatic experiences as a child of a trafficked survivor as well as a victim of recruitment, her belief that Freedom Is foR Everyone (FIRE), advocating for survivors of human trafficking, and her training as a chaplain and a Krav Maga Instructor is what makes FIRE so unique. She assists her community as a leader in the AZ Trauma Informed Faith Community, outreaching to those in our community at risk of being recruited into trafficking, teaching women self defense and mentoring the human trafficking and domestic violence survivors in FIRE's LOVE Community but doing life together.
~Michelle Kosnopfal a survivor of Child Trafficking joined FIRE Revolution in 2018. Celebrating 5 years of sobriety through Celebrate Recovery; Michelle assist FIRE by cultivating the LOVE Community, recovering addicts within the survivor community, and bring awareness by conducting testimonial tours around Arizona and the nation. COVID brought many changes for Michelle relocating from Phoenix to Prescott Michelle now leads a FIRE ministry in Prescott under the American Lurthern Church covering while assisting Jessica operate FIRE's Phoenix location.
~Moriah Tomas Co-Executive Director of Agape FIRE Phx and the House of FIRE assists with Awareness workshops, LOVE Team events held in Phoenix area, Connect Outreaches, Women’s Self Defense classes at her Dojo and teen group home and oversees FIRE’s Online Store that houses product and services from the Ladies of FIRE in the Chosen mentor program.
~Together these ladies operate the FIRE Revolution women's advocacy under the keyword practices of LOVE, Support and Awareness. Freedom starts with LOVE. Welcome to the Revolution!!
Outreach team quote: "Let me come into your darkness so you can see the light"
~Going out once a month to valley strip clubs, homeless and the streets of Phoenix. This team goes where the Lord calls them. Connecting to approximately 400 ladies in the clubs and an occasional run away, working lady or homeless individual this team consisting of 2 besties (Jessica and Michelle), 2 sisters (Arianna and Michelle) and 2 mother daughter teams (Jessica and Moriah)(Michelle and Destiny) are all students of Krav Maga and firearms.
~The best way to get to know the outreach team is to listen to the Team Share podcasts done once a month just before they go out on outreach.
~Each having a different motivation for being part of the outreach team anywhere from support system to survivor; they all share the common mission of FIRE Revolution to advocate against the violence, exploitation and trafficking of women and children. Discussing with the ladies ways to prevent recruitment into trafficking or assistance to exit, providing resources to confront addictions, connect to family advocacies for resources, providing opportunities to do community with other survivors or just being a light in the darkness.
We all different gifts and talents to be able to serve in the advocacy. Take some time to consider what area you would like to serve. Below is a list our current advocate opportunities
To get involved with FIRE - everything starts with attending LOVE Events. There are multiple events held thoughout the month. Becoming part of the LOVE team requires service and getting to know the heart and vision of how FIRE Revolution operates
The River advocates run the hotline, Team Freedom and interact with both victims and survivors in the surrounding Arizona community.
Every now and again FIRE will receive an out of state referral to assist in building trust, an exit plan and continue resource development even after the referral has accomplish the first step in her journey of Freedom.
What started out as workshops let to forming a community of advocates and survivors eager to share their voice in the cause to shine light on the truth about what being a survivor is like and how can we learn from our past along with protecting our youth. FIRE offers a variety of speaking topics to become more aware and more neatened in addressing how to end modern day slavery
FIRE Revolution has multiple Outreach Teams that bring awareness and light to the cause
PHX FIRE Street/Club Team goes out into the Phoenix area and hands out gifts and bracelets to women being or at risk of being trafficked as a way to prevent recruitment into the multiple forms of trafficking.
Team FLAME are Survivor mini testimonies. A team of 5-8 teens and women representing the different faces of human trafficking, domestic violence and those impacted by the social issue. Sharing "greater is He who is in me; than he who is in the world and from my experience I pass on my flame"
TEAM NINJA is an OUTREACH TEAM that assist in the Women's Empowerment program at Next Level Krav Maga Gilbert. The team assist with facilitation of Quarterly Women Only Self Defense Workshops in their community. The vision is to bring awareness and empowering women to live their best lives
FIRE REVOLUTION FREEDOM CENTER assists in bringing awareness and supporting survivors in the northern area of Arizona.
FIRE Revolution launched an annual brunch to celebrate survivors in our community that dillegenty work towards their healing and recovery each day of the year. FIRE wants each woman in our community to know God sees their WHOLE self not just the parts they would like to forget. For it is from our experiences we pass on our flame to be come a great light in our community
Supporting fellow survivors in the Phoenix area that have started their own anti-trafficking non profit
RockPoint Church human trafficking ministry conducts a monthly call center outreach.
Being trauma informed and Creating Communities of Belonging
Conducting spiritual retreat for incarcerated youth
Assisting the State of Arizona identify victims/survivors of human trafficking among certain cases
Developing teams and stratagies to assist women exit out of human trafficking
Advocating against the violence, exploitation and trafficking of adult women and teens